3/ Plot 1: Overcoming the monster

The hero sets him/herself against an antagonistic force. Typically, the force threatens the hero or the hero's homeland. The hero overcomes the force.

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter CG

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Antagonistic Quarter announcement

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3/ Plot 1: Overcoming the monster

The hero sets him/herself against an antagonistic force. Typically, the force threatens the hero or the hero's homeland. The hero overcomes the force.

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Antagonistic Quarter announcement

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Antagonistic Quarter CG

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Antagonistic Quarter announcement

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Antagonistic Quarter announcement

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Antagonistic Quarter (SSR)

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Antagonistic Quarter announcement

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Antagonistic Quarter CG

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ahhhhh! antagonistic characters in the series with a blue protagonist have red on them!!! so scary!!!!!!!

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