The feature recap from this week, an Illustrator named Quentin Mabille creates some amazing of incredible landscapes with beautiful , stirring moods.

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An Illustrator named Quentin Mabille is our feature this week, they create some amazing of incredible landscapes with beautiful , stirring moods.

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Many of the quick iPad sketches made today of on was fun

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The last recap today is ,check out his awesome digital art for his own creative world TEGN.

Check it out:

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Kicking off the recap, creates beautiful concept art for all your favorite Naughty Dog Games.

Check out the awesome and read more here:

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We follow so many artists that picking ones to feature is pretty heckin hard. That said, this week we have out to everyone as the this week.

Check out the awesome and read more here:

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Check out our second recap today, the fantastic concept artist

Check it out:

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The first recap for the feature today is , creating beautiful digital paintings of perfectly captured moments in time.

Check out the work:

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Check out our recap today, the creator of the really cool art book ,

Check it out:

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Looking for a great to follow? Check out our today, the creator of the really cool art book ,

Check it out:

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Our is Patrick Moses. Moses' uses words, sounds and colour to create textural compositions. He recently had a solo exhibition titled 'Autocity' at featuring a site specific installation.

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Kicking off our first for March, check out Marcin Jakubowski with his amazing art for the movie Klaus.

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It is really cool to see a game we discovered through our feature hit Early Access, check out Adore by with art by

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This weeks is the talented master, Viktor Germogenov. Check out his awesomely detailed faces from Black Ops 4:

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