Momo was working with an artist friend.
He is incredible! Sadly he can not continue the series because he is too busy with his work. Do you like this version of the comic? ☺️☺️

See goodies:
Artpacks :

24 111

First part: I’m working on my first artpack! I only have the cover done, but it serves as a reference as to what the pics will look like style wise. Once all the images are completed I’ll be posting the full pack on Gumroad for purchase.

22 129

Tenth pinup from the Mary and Friends Belly Shirt Artpack (full res version in artpack only or on Patreon).

Pop star Fluffy, been a minute since we last saw her.

39 216

Mistigram: from the looks of things, Asa is about ready to head out and live up to their title of Adventure Cat. This portrait was painted by and included in the recent MIST1319 artpack collection.

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Mistigram: this cat, drawn by , is clearly wildly resplendent in their beaedly floofiness. This piece was included in the recent MIST1319 artpack collection.

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Just a heads up that the Comet Unwrapped artpack was just a seasonal thing. Therefore, It will be discontinued the end of this month(31jan).

But fret not!

I plan to drop a new one as well as bring back previous ones as classics each year!

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Mistigram: demonstrates that cats have fans throughout the galaxy in this illustration, entitled "Gatochami". This piece was included in the recent MIST1319 artpack collection.

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Mistigram: I gather that sometimes pays the bills with pet portraits. Do you think that she gilds the lily a bit or is Dandy Lion really this magnificent in real life? This piece was included in the MIST1319 artpack collection.

0 1

Mistigram: not everyone realises how hilarious rized's photographs are. I've been waiting a long time, very impatiently, to share "Cat and Mouse" with you. This piece was finally included in the new MIST1319 artpack collect…

1 3

Ninth pinup from the Mary and Friends Belly Shirt Artpack (full res version in artpack only or on Patreon).

Someone is trying to make a move on Snowy, she isn't impressed.

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Mistigram: other than the gentle snowfall, I see nothing particularly wintery about this adaptation of one of 's original drawings... but the snowfall is the only excuse we needed to file it in this month's MIST1219 artpack collection!

2 6

Sweetie Belle for this year's Clop for Cause artpack!
Please, if you want to get full resolution and a couple of other versions, consider buying artpack itself!
Includes artwork of 70+ wonderful artists!

74 466

Continuing "Old-Art-I-Like-But-Isn't-Good-For-An-Artpack" here's some style replication practice messing with drawing like some friends I never posted! See if y'all can guess who

21 360

Seventh pinup from the Mary and Friends Belly Shirt Artpack (full res version in artpack only or on Patreon).

Mary being cute as always, when is she not honestly.

42 206

Sixth pinup from the Mary and Friends Belly Shirt Artpack (full res version in artpack only or on Patreon).

More Cindy, she's really feelin' herself in this one

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Mistigram: this astounding adaptation of a character design featuring a constellation skirt was included in last month's MIST1119 artpack collection.

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Fifth pinup from the Mary and Friends Belly Shirt Artpack (full res version in artpack only or on Patreon).

A more intimate side of Astrid, she still might bully you though.

170 745

The mighty CTHULHU takes on DEIMOS, ZAHN, and ISAIAH! Part of my October 2019 Patreon rewards, Artpack

239 1106

Thanksgiving Quest 2019 complete!

Artwork by : Mer-De-Kyle
See goodies:
Artpacks :
Our website :
Instagram :

42 209

Forth pinup from the Mary and Friends Belly Shirt Artpack (full res version in artpack only or on Patreon).

Alia out for a stroll in some casual attire, she picked herself up some tasty donuts from the Bakery. Alia is co-own by and me~

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