"Blow your trumpets Gabriel
As I beheld the bewilderment ov Eden"

With all the new members a new introduction is due. I am Tarot(Astaroth/Astarte), a fallen angel, demon of the 9 Hells, member of the infernal council. Join me in making history.

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The more I read about 40k loyalist Astartes, the more I dislike them. Protectors of mankind? My heretic ass!
(Except Space Wolves. Space Wolves are nice)
(And 30k loyalists are fine, too ... I haven't said that! 😁)

Back to the rebel-side for me!

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Storm Wardens.

My Astartes chapter of space Celts is real. 🥺

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Astarte (Milotic) and Sonata (Primarina) decided to use their Tailfin Sandwich Combo Attack on Dorian (Dewott). I made alternatives as well. Can you really say poor little guy when he's enjoying it? >w>

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Thank you!!!! Hi! I'm Astarte, and here arw some of my works!!

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Out of context drawing: What is Astarte (Milotic) and Sonata (Primarina) going to do to Dorian (Dewott)? it's up to you. It may seem like the girls are picking on him but you never know, the two girls might be polite to him and love on him. >w>

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6 days until Final Week!
In Seth is faithful & monogamous to his wife, Nephthys, but in myth he was infamous for having various wives & partners. Among them were:
Ash (male god)
Horus (if you count contendings)

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วิ่งไม่ทันเลยต้องเป็น npc ก็คือเอาภาพเดิมมาปาดสีทับเปลี่ยนสีเสื้อไปเลย แต่ก็ทำแบบรีบ ๆ แหละ 😂

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Lukasz, pilot of the Thunderhawk "Throneworld".
OC of a friend.

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คาร์เก่า ที่คิดจะรีไปเล่นที่ไหนสักที่

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It's like a bikini carwash, except he's wearing no bikini and it's his own pauldron. So nothing like a bikini carwash. But

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