Basculegion is peak fish pokemon design and I'll die on that hill I LOVE HIM!!!!! I hope they have a blue version... otherwise I'll be lowkey sad lmao

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Você sabia? O Basculegion é formado quando uma alma de um Basculin que não conseguiu nadar rio acima possuí um Basculin vivo, por isso o tipo agua e ghost, a alma que está no corpo do pokémon tem vontade própria e fornece a força necessária pro pokémon nadar sem cansar.

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I can’t stop thinking about them. Maybe my favourite Reveal from the presents. Kinda want to draw a gijinka? I have a design in mind.

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This new Pokemon is absolutely amazing!

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Results from todays stream! Drew up some new Pokemon, Basculegion and Growlithe. So hype for theis game!

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Desde mi punto de vista, Basculegion podría ser una línea evolutiva totalmente independiente. Sí que se parece a Basculin, pero tiene algo que le hace único.

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Today aried Pokémon Present
Loved the game Legends Arceus in particular new regional forms and finally the return of the evolution from old generations

Basculegion is one of the best 💙✨

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Official PNG art and typing from /

🔥 Hisuian Growlithe is Fire/Rock
🔮 Hisuian Braviary is Psychic/Flying
🌊 Basculegion is Water/Ghost
🦌 Wyrdeer is Normal/Psychic

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Pixeled the new Pokémon on stream! BASCULEGION! All praise this giant fish and its fallen fish spirit bretheren!

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Ok, gave overview impressions so now I FANBOY.

I loved the Growlithe reveal a lot because fukin, LOOK AT EM

NGL though, I might've been more hyped when I saw Basculegion ASTYFHBD

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Categoría: Pokémon Gran Pez
Tipo: Agua / Fantasma
Altura: 3 m
Peso: 110 kg

En el momento en el que este Pokémon siente la mínima hostilidad, se enfurece y ataca despiadadamente hasta que derrota a su enemigo.

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Basculegion seems to be based on salmon. The main clue is the fact that it travels upstream. Salmon were and are very important to the Ainu people, and are known as cep (チェㇷ゚) in Ainu. Unfortunately salmon fishing rights have caused a lot of conflict between Ainu & Wajin…

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Posible Basculegion raya azul que acabo de hacer súper rápido

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So, according to the new lore, the Sinnoh region used to be called Hisui.

Seems like a few people in the country all those years ago didn’t get the memo...

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Basculegion is actually a ghost type, believe it or not!

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im basculegion gender

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Basculegion fight for his fallen comrades

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This is a Basculegion fan account now. Easily the coolest fish-inspired Pokemon design we've ever had.

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