Featured Art of the Day: "Batman's Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy". Buy it at: https://t.co/huEpGzrw5G

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Just like Batman's Injustice design having a tiny bat logo on his utility belt buckle, Nightwing gets little bird badges on his shoulders.

At least the Death In the Family movie treated him with respect and even made him Batman before this happens.

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Oh Wooowie. 🤠 /

Issue 19 And Hey,
"SADDLE UP, UP Look At Batman's
AND AWAY!" Gaze!

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The BPD are so crooked that Redhorn sends Soames to execute Dick rather than lock him up. They don't want Batman's attention (and Redhorn is too stupid to realize killing Dick would accomplish the opposite of what he wants). Soames has other plans, which aren't altruistic...

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Thoughts on my Batman's cowl design?

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"The white house... his 'jokes' are awful grandiose... but I know better than to ask how he pulled it off." The third Robin huffed, anylizing relevant surveillance footage.

"I'm sure Batman's /loving/ this one."

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Okamitsu has fought bigger and meaner. Kitsami would provide good back up.

CAT would mess with Batman's computer as he's an AI.

Using his AI hacking he'd hack Batman's computer and make OKAMITSU AND KITSAMI a contingency plan to deal with Batman! https://t.co/FqnhAKgDPe

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Selina realizes that Bruce Wayne & Batman's kisses feel the same. So naturally she rushes over to Wayne Manor, and strips naked on the front lawn.😂I prefer Catwoman to be classier than that.😂Editorial choosing to completely reboot the relationship for The New 52, was so lame.

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Tweedle Bane and Tweedle Brain? If it's all the same, I'll play your game.

Batman's Mad Hatter design

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Thomas Blake - a.k.a. Catman! Discover the early stories of one of Batman's campiest villains turned member of SECRET SIX. https://t.co/4AuGItLZFK

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The appearance of Punchline, Ghost-Maker, Miracle Molly and Gardener created by Tynion and Jimenez is the best thing that has happened to Batman's ongoing in years
Go argue with a wall 🙄

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Out now: SONIC THE COMIC THE PODCAST Kid Chameleon's gone all death-metal! Creeps abound as we go in-depth on Chaotix! Batman's got the good tunes! And holiday hullaballoo as Chris's bus takes a wrong turn, and Dave has the best ice-cream!


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That's urban predators for earth, air, and water. Like a low budget British version of Batman's Terrible Trio.

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do the designs count, like Hulk doesn't wear a costume but I love his design. I like that Batman's costume is recognizable by its silhouette.

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Featured Art of the Day: "Batman's Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy". Buy it at: https://t.co/huEpGzrw5G

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Slightly different, as the story Marvel Comics went out of its way to spoil today actually came out today, but some of the same reasoning applies to this story from a few months back...

Why DC revealed the Next Batman's identity ahead of time, explained

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Care to tell us that again when there's evidence to prove that what you're saying is complete BS?

ESPECIALLY over the course of 60+ years of back and forth influence, like Kubo being influenced by Image Comics? Or Batman's comics having an influence on Japan's first Hero show?

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We already have these two in Batman's rogue's gallery to use. Deathstroke is one of those villains how best stories are tied to the titans and Batman has enough good villains most others can slot in for Deathstroke with some changes, Bane alone make him VERY redundant https://t.co/zGGTlZqtGz

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Brilliantly (and rightfully)
points out Batman's biggest flaw:

He's self-righteous.

He thinks he has the right to take the law into his own hands, mete out his own justice.

But Andrea can't.
Even though she has the exact same motivation as Bruce.

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These mfs be like "haha he admitted it in... in a NON-romantic way! ahhahhaa right?"


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