Hey and if you want a REALLY awesome high quality custom avatar like mine hit up ! He’s taking commissions and you will be real sad if you miss the opportunity.

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Here’s a little distraction for you and me.

Reference 📷:

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Evening sketch practice, a welcome diversion from the news cycle.


Observed and learned about via

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Laughing gulls often try to steal fish from Brown Pelicans although it looks like I forgot to draw in a fish. An example of kleptoparasitism.

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Running a biodiversity transect today with students in our bird biology class.

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The red-headed barbet is a species of bird in the family Capitonidae. It is found in humid highland forest in Costa Rica and Panama, as well as the Andes in western Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and far northern Peru.

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Golden-crowned Kinglet
Regulus satrapa

Even though this North American songbird is small, only about 4-8 grams, it is very cold hardy and can survive -40 degree nights.

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3 American Crows eating a roadkill squirrel this morning near work so I stopped to take some photos. Scavenging birds are great since they eat dead flesh and eliminate all the potentially harmful pathogens with it.

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Bird education and rough practice continues. Getting rusty like the color.

/ V1.1

Reference photo: George Wilson in Birds group on FB

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Birdie in a hurry. Aka what happens when you try new sketch techniques/brushes but are tired to care due to recent time change.


Photo reference by punkbirdr on Flickr

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Experimenting w/brushes gives this bird an almost cartoonish vibe. Am learning that not all artists who post their work online are willing to share tips/answer questions about their craft. Whatever. Too tired to find out what type of bird this is.

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Sketch inspired by reference photo shared by bird rescue

Learning and trying some new sketch techniques.

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A little relaxing weekend wind-down, bracing for the work week.
No idea how I got that halo / ray of sunshine behind the bird. Happy accident.

Photo reference: by

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Revisiting and retouching a forgotten sketch. are on my bucket list of birds to see in person one day. Need to find more time to sketch.

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”Dave Under the Eternally Descending Darkness” from my recent video about solving composition problems: https://t.co/045y8K5JCA

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Someone asked me the other day if I was a graphic designer after they saw some of my bird sketches. No, but I took it as a compliment. 😊👩🏻‍🎨

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