Migrating songbirds (and other birds) often collide with city windows. 😢 Thank goodness for in that helps care for them.

Reference 📷: Phyllis Tseng

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Roseate Spoonbill. A common denizen of wetlands along the Gulf coast. I never get bored of spoonbills.

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While neighbors continue to party loudly outside, I am content to be safe at home sketching.

h/t Reference 📷: Tim Harris

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This is may be the third time I’ve sketched a - a beautiful bird with an unusual name (and tail). I may have an idea for a children’s book about birds. Brainstorming.

Reference 📷:

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Necessary stress-reduction.

Juvenile - known as brood parasites that lay their eggs in nests of other species!

Reference 📷:

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Meet Oden, a - an educational ambassador at the John James Audubon Center in Pennsylvania. 🦉

Reference 📷: Audubon Adventures

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A little blue tit sketch since we get so many to our garden

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Well my contract ended since my current work site went under and we haven't been able to find a new location.

For the time being I'll be opening ychs and decals. First up is angry Chick YCH for $10 and $15 for physical 3x2 decals

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Baby tree swallows, recently hatched in the nest box I built 💕

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New week, new quarantine bird puns! 😜
Also take note that these will all be for sale in my shop (see bio). It’s tough times for artists right now—every order helps keep my little art biz going!

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While it’s a first for me and my yard this orchard oriole wasn’t interested in posing for photos.

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Hey and if you want a REALLY awesome high quality custom avatar like mine hit up ! He’s taking commissions and you will be real sad if you miss the opportunity.

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Here’s a little distraction for you and me.

Reference 📷:

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