Those are some heckin Kirin chompers!

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Fluffy hair, scars, and sharp teeth! Regardless of hair style, I tend to give it a lot of volume bc I just think it’s fun, and scars are like cool story details, and I give almost every OC at least sharp canines bc I just think big chompers are cool LMAO
Oh, and tieflings. lol

0 18

art fight revenges for @/Crypticferal and @/lionchompers !!

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Look at those chompers!

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Feisty chompers >:D It's never not pride here~ Awesome pic by <3

4 47

Look at this cute boi!!!!!
Such pretty Chompers!
Love you Sug!

8 29

The chompers unleashed

Fantastic art by give him your support 💖

6 45

Late night Chompers

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Malmoria's teeth are retractable, depending on her mood she could be going around with a straight up demonic mouth with giant tusks, or just tiny little chompers :P

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Who Wouldn't Like These Chompers Around As Your Companion? Beware The Luminox In Coming Very Soon.

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Human bottom looks pretty much just like me except I have pink colored hair and not maroon and I wear glasses.........and obviously I don't have yellow eyes and sharp chompers

6 28

I don’t have full art of him yet, but here’s my boy Birch!! He’s a wood nymph who can shape moss and lichen to be clothes in the material plane. In the feywild he’s more feral and his lil shark teeth become big ole chompers!!

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