one's chill and cool; The other is very organized and smart... can't beat having a opposite roommate. (Had to do some redesign on Colm if you can tell)

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Day 5: AUs/Crossovers
Fire Emblem AU with the main crew. Kiddos are...
Juri (Lucas/Barry's daughter - Archer)
Casimir (Lysandre/Calem's son, Tierno's stepson - Lionskin/Lord)
Kyra (Riley/Dawn's daughter - Onmyoji-in-training)
Colm (Lucas/Barry's son - Dark Mage)

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22. Colm's a big ol atheist. Say fuck God fuck religion.

BUT LMAO fight with his scared knife and uses it on those worthy to die by his hands.🤔

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Gorgeous Horror posters by Colm Geoghegan.

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You kinda just wanna chill and vibe, drew my OC Colm Waters

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Here's handsome Colm😊💙

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The fact that in Sett's concept art he had multiple arms further confirms he's Colm and Durga's son and Riot has bugged my house.


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Sett is just Colm and Durga's love child and honestly it explains so much why I love him.

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Colonel Colm Corbec of the Tanith First And Only. About 90% there. Should finish him tomorrow. Woo.

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- Colm Corbec, one of Gaunt’s Ghosts. Nice little break this. Speaking of breaking things, I dropped him and snapped his bloody lasgun. Hopefully my fix with a plastic spare doesn’t look too horrendous 😅

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My partner (he/they) and I (he/they) are writing an LGTB+ modern fantasy novel featuring their OC Colm (Cis/Pan) and my XXXL boy Durga (Intersex/NB/Aro/Ace) called Origins!

Its the slow burn, strangers to idiots, there's only one bed, size difference, mafia AU we all enjoy.🥃🍷

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22. Colm and Durga's relationship looks something like this:

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It is and it's what makes Colm really powerful tbh.

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16. Colm's new design VS his first design.

Redesigning Colm was one of the reasons writing Origins has taken some time. After a lot of review my partner and I looked and him and honestly there was nothing exciting or likable about original Colm.

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12. Along with bastard, Colm comes in baby and gremlin forms.

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11. Colm drives a motorcycle cause of course he does look at him.

His bike's name is Ghara.

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Y'all wanted to know more about Colm "Pussy Destroyer" Theriault, well have at him.🥃

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