so! was feelin sad last week and decided to humanize the girl from the bar!! legit i think if she actually said hi to crange,he'd puke.

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we know also that the emersons have to get the cranges trust somehow,thats an important part of this operation and the way that happens is by lettin him stay at the bar even tho he never stays,which I WOULD ARGUE could even work if he jus got kicked out.

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NOW SEE thing thats important about THAT is that we know that our Crange and Chill Crange have some stories that overlap? i dont think that they ALL do, but of the ones he mentions, ONE ties back into a previous story,so Crange and the Crazy Castle is prolly a universal.

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like okay cranges tree getting cut in half sets off this chain of events obvi,but it also influences really specific stories. Crange Gets A Drink and Crange Stops A Robbery come to mind,though you could argue Crange comes to terms with his depression & ignores it too.

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so im lookin up refrences for one of the humanization things and there are so many weird unappreciated crange reaction images in crange and the vampires

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tbh! im glad u also think of chill crange when it comes to very vaguely vacation sounding songs.. aLSO TH PINA COLADA SONGS TH ONE HE SINGS ON TH WRISTCHAPELS ONE SINGULAR FUN NIGHT he sings it v poorely

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anyways im still super happy tht i got TWO good lookin chill cranges jst. delivered to my doorstep and my heart on this fine day. look at him. how could u not love this terrible face.

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ive been like super stressed this week so!! more cranges in terrible, terrible clothes to sorta wind down

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Captain America
L: Joe Caramagna
P: Adam Hughes
W: Mark Waid

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ok and thus i thought crange and the ants would be a good one for the speed nut shirt

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this is literally jst a color practice disguised as a comic bFT. im KIDDIN bt also. side note. i rlly want crange to yell again lmao
it was fun bt i guess hes like 120 now so.. th energy of his youth has left him.....

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hwey @ the 4 ppl who follow me i wanna ask fr fun >:3!! whiiich chapter so far do u think has th best emersons? my vote is crange gets attacked by a bird emerson bc they're squareish and squishy and cute

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the evidance on the table here is what we learn abt cranges siblings! who both all went off to plant,were huge assholes and ruined his first name for him (faustus,baby!) SOO bad that he hardly introduces himself by it anymore

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so first evidance fr th jury & what tipped me off is cranges line here in crange and the ants
now i don't think he thinks hes really gonna die here yknow? what i DO think is it's the start of him PLANTING,which to him is as good as dead.

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here's half the crange redraws you wanted because..... i can only do so much with the anatomy of the other two im sorrykdjhfjkdh

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aight boys its crange gijinka screencap redraws..... prt...... ONE....

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SO i tried my hand at that human crange bs tht i barely thought of earlier today bc? i love him and i have no other passions. ANYWAYS i did a horrid job. like i had to put him in the ONE article of clothing he has. the good boy wears. legit no clothes.

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i literally jst made this twitter because more than 3 ppl on twitter like crange from 's comic hiagb and i rlly like him here so with that said here are the cranges

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days 5-8
Some friends' characters, and Crange.

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