New artwork for sale! - "Crucified cyborg" -

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Italian Baroque artist Mattia Preti was born in 1613.

With light dramatically breaking through the stormy sky, Saint Peter is shown crucified upside down. He chose this way to die as he felt unworthy to share exactly the same manner of execution as Christ himself.

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In the French version of Final Fantasy VIII, Quetzalcoatl is renamed to "Golgotha".

What this bird has to do with the place where Jesus was crucified is beyond me. Maybe bc it spreads it's wings out in a cross formatio--

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dew it. dew it for the crucified xenomorph

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also, i still have your raffle prize @ badendthree wherever or whoever you are now... Go claim it smh.

yes, you, who was using crucified reimu as pfp before you delete your account

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in honor of july dttwt coming back here's some super old dnf art i never posted because i wouldve been crucified for it back then LMAO

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It reminds me that I'm planning a metroidvania with a guy named Tcrakman, because there'll be a scene where the hero is crucified. The twist is that the protagonist is a monstrous demon. It will be inspired by the Amiga game Shadow of the Beast. This concept art is by Tcrakman.

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"Doesn't this look like it's saying "The saint was crucified"?"

RTs appreciated! (No QRTs pls)

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Very Important❤️💙👇

For Truth Seekers👇

Bible Prophecy Proves🧡Jesus🧡 NOT Crucified???

(Video- Just 8 Minutes)

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Merry Christmas Everyone! 💞
Y'all are probably getting your Twitter notifications crucified so I'll leave this one short :3. This is a thank you tweet to anyone that made this awful year better because they're good people and I love them all >w<

None of the art belongs to me

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"For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin-"

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Happy Feast Day of St Andrew, patron saint of Scotland! It is said that he believed himself unworthy to be crucified on a cross like that of Christ, so he met his end on a 'saltire', or X-shaped cross (St Andrew's cross) which became his symbol.

St Andrew, pray for us!

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Crucified Christ
Unidentified Artist
Sculpture, Carved
Hispano-Philippine, c. 1600-1650

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"For he is our peace, who hath made BOTH one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us...And that he might reconcile BOTH unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby" Do you know why was crucified -b- TWO thieves YT

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Oh hey my Fantasy Art Shop sale includes my The Uncrucified prints as well!😉

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Comictober Day 30: Pumpkin carving!
I'm gonna get crucified for this

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TW // crucifixion , religion , death

Artober Day 14: Crucified

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part 2 + 3 spoilers //

everyone always talks about how this cover is symbolic of kakyoin's death bc he has his hands over his torso and he died like that, but nobody ever mentions how caesar looks like he's being crucified and he died under a cross shaped rock

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