Beginning of ‘a class mod commission of their vicious little bae-bee boy. Excited to go ham with the sprites and plow through them over the next few weeks.

6 66

*TWANGGGgggg* Spent some time on Captain Harlowe's defend sprite as some warm up.

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2 17

Thank you for everyone who swung by stream today! In just three streams (and a little bit of outside work) we managed to get this kitty knocked out. Next stream will be some trinkets for the angy boy as well as skill FX.

4 53

Died a week before making art with Shadowheart because I bought and played about 60 hours in that time.
I really liked it. One of my favorite characters is the Jester

17 26

not great at digital painting, however, the urge to create a painting of my fav character (damian from dd) was too strong, i apologise 🥲🖤💗🫀

0 3

Tiger got a fresh coat of blood and a collar so you can find his owner information and help him back home.

5 84

Thanks to everyone who joined me and my friends on stream to hang out while I worked on art. Today we got the first sprite for Wellington McSkellington's tiger enemy in his upcoming circus mod as well as the rough draft of 's commission. More tomorrow!

1 36

Daily Loving PJAL 200

This is based on art that I commissioned and made it my own way. Enjoy.

3 6

+20% DMG
-10% MAX HP
+20% Stress

12 92