Due to Darklight eating away at your soul and mind, it kinda just takes bits and pieces. Thus due its unstableness, it can just form a new "evil" you. Due to it not being a complete recreating, it's able to reform parts of itself in order to fight. Could they be alive? Who knows?

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What happens after? Depends on who you are and how long you've been there. You could basically have your soul consumed by it, could turn into a beast, you could die, who really knows? The reason Darklight is relevant is due to how those Shadows are formed.

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These tie into Valerie's story and such but basically, this dark magic (named Darklight) has an entire alternate realm in which it is completely unstable. If one stays there for too long, the Darklight energy can eat away at one's mind and soul completely, leaving a dark aura.

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These two are going to be the death of poor Sunburst, heh.
Artwork is by darklight1315, find them below!

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We need more cute ponies!

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episode IV: a new hope


pros: iconic trio, miss beru whitesun lars, Biggs Pornstache Darklighter (he may have gotten like, 5 minutes of canon screentime but the stache was everything)

cons: owen lars >:^(

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I guess this way they can all share...right?
Artwork is by darklight1315, find them below!

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The Third Darklight War, Yunara's Shadow
TimeBase Art by Me

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Kurai and Serenity (moon light twins)

This need re-draw u,w,u

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Shibari with snakes? Thanks to a friend that gave me the idea of "unusual" Shibari, there's another in process

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