Unused preparatory drawing for In Memory of My Feelings, Elaine de Kooning, 1967 https://t.co/j5P7XfK6sP

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Landing Place, Willem de Kooning, 1970 (Published 1971). https://t.co/L2msP8tAQb

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Sunday Afternoon (1957)
by Elaine de Kooning
Style: Abstract Expressionism

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Unused preparatory drawing for In Memory of My Feelings, Elaine de Kooning, 1967 https://t.co/76kcNCUCnL

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Unused preparatory drawing for In Memory of My Feelings, Elaine de Kooning, 1967 https://t.co/vpIIYmJ90T

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The world is so empty
if one thinks only
of mountains,
& cities;
but to know someone
who thinks & feels with us,
& who, though distant,
is close to us in spirit,
this makes the earth for us
an inhabited garden.

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