Deadies iz coming, Mint on 8th of June, 7pm PST!

First 3000 free, 1 free per wallet, remaining 7000 iz 0.005 ETH eachhh, dun forgett 2 set reminderr🔔

it will b onz:

Deadies waitin 4 uu in da tombb💀🪦

3057 1152

A Succubus is a greedy creature, they aren't content with just having a taste, so it is only natural that the Queen is the greediest of them all...

Anything she deems to have value is something that she /needs/ to posess in one way or the other...

So enjoy... While you can~

7 49

Had to go to a formal junction last session in-game, and Joyce didn't have a nice suit, so he had to bum one off his court leader
Surprisingly enough, he was /not/ the gaudiest person there

2 22

Marcy explaining the most nerdiest stuff to Olivia

973 9808

shes at her most powerful in her gaudiest only vaguely coordinated outfit

0 5

Otro zurdo por aquí. Si se me permite dar un consejo sería el mismo que le daría a una persona diestra: practicar mucho, no ser injusto con uno mismo y sobre todo no rendirse. Yo intento aplicarlo a diario.

2 3

Zurdo aquí!! Voy a ver lo que tengo por el móvil. Y llevo dibujando y manchándome la mano y raspándome con las anillas del cuaderno desde que tengo memoria.

Y espero seguir mucho tiempo. Un zurdo puede dibujar igual que un diestro.

1 3

Hola. Una zurda por aquí! Estudié ilustración y trabajo en ello. Ser zurda nunca me limitó! No abandones lo que te gusta, practica mucho y llegarás lejos. Ya llevas un gran camino con lo que mostró tu padre! Ser diestro o zurdo da igual mientras tu pasión sea dibujar 💜

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The most adorable blue panda you'll see around. Also the nerdiest one!

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and today we have the speediest flier of Sugarpine. the Rainbow Sweetiefly

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mskdmskms gracias esponja...


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This guy looks like the handiest gardener ever. Check out the reach he has. I'd have him out in the yard turning the hedge into some sort of topiary hellscape.

0 20

Apparently got the deadline wrong.. but all good!
Here’s my submission for !
Thank you very much for the cool event, had lots of fun with this one!

the untouchable calm, guardian to spirit beanz

She’s got the steadiest pour ☕️

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Throw-back to the days I tried to build a merchandise empire in the smallest, nerdiest synthesizer community ever.

Anyone own a “ER-301 sound computer”?

didn’t think so 😁

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El tiempo pasó y Luke siguió creciendo en Tatooine bajo la supervisión, siempre discreta, de Kenobi. Cada vez se hizo más diestro con el bláster, cazando ratas Womp, que infestaban ciertas zonas del planeta, para mejorar el T-16.

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