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mi contribución para la campaña convocada por

My contribution to the champaign by Spaniard-Colombian cartoonist Nani.

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This time Élise de la Serre from

Me encanta este juego ❤️ es una preciosidad y solo lamento que el final fuera tan meh, porque todo lo demás es muy top.


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Another one definitely me and from 🌚 *feeling shy*

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Les amis, ce soir, avec , et on part en live de 21h30 à 23h sur pour fêter les 5 000 membres du groupe Assassin's Creed FR (https://t.co/a5BOfOLu3G)
On se donne rendez-vous sur la Chaine YT La Confrérie du Crédo.

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now you may say "is that it, are you done spamming" and i'd cut you off instantly to shove peacocks in your face

Silver and Aldunith! Aldunith's belongs to my bud north

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Art trade with Asuka (@/worldendunit) !! I drew their two cutie babies 🥺💛

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hi the depression of what feels like the world is ending alongside personal stuff is killing me so have an emotional support bartender

he's hot and i love him. aldunith belongs to my buddy north on discord tho he aint mine

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"What do you remember of your life, mourners? Tell all tell all in the Theaters of Memories!"


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 創作『Shining RoidUnit』に登場する5体のロボットからなるアイドルユニットです。読みは「SRU(えす あーるゆー)」。ほぼ人間に近い容姿をしています。個性派揃いですが、5体揃ったパフォーマンスや歌声が特徴です。(詳細は後程。)

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