cuidado criaturas, que este año no perdono, solo robo, y los dulces deboro, si no me creen, miren a la persiguiendome xd

7 14

my gaaaawddd , miren estas hermosuraaaaas asdfasfa 😭😭😭💜💜💜💜. Las hizo un precioso seguidor (Hunter) y no saben cuanto me encantaron!♥ Sigo debatiendome cual es mi favorita ☺️

2 28

Taking 2nd day off work as precaution to let chill the fuk out

Still got errands to run later, but at least I feel fired up for drawing tonight. Rest first tho

Here's some previews of personal/commission WIP that have been on the back burner for way too long ._.

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loona butterfly fantastic queendom fire emblem echoes twilight of the gods valentia

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tambien me hace sentir sintiendome cuando me siento sentado en la sentada de la sentación de la sandalias amarillas 3 yo soy mi propio turulululu 7w7 nya owo lumi te odio feo:

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"Portrait of KB NFT QUEEN Karen Bystedt. NFT w/ . Best known creator The Lost Warhols. Works at The Warhol Museum & The Hearst Tower NYC.".

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simplemente epico, dibujaron a varios miembros de un sv incluyendome

muchas gracias a art rodent(no tiene twitter)
por cierto el server lo dejo aqui(es un server en ingles)

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No esta quedando mal pero estoy sufriendo, es un estilo de nunca hago y yo aqui muriendome para q me quede bien :''

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TW // wounds , slit

Edgy smexy gurl was born yeaahh 🌚🌝🌚🌝🌚🌝. Itu tanduknya dikasih penahan biar dia ngga jadi 'berserk' karena gen 'demon' nya rada mendominasi (pas muncul tanduk juga masih ada penahan hehek)

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Ilustración final de Sofia Hellas 🇬🇷⚔️ Último miembro del Equipo AMTS.

Final Illustration of Sofia Hellas 🇬🇷⚔️Last member of Team AMTS.

Commissioned Artwork

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This was a WIP study of heejin from the tell me now/ tamina video from queendom 2 - i jus didnt get around to finishing it but maybe sometime i will :’)

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Finished this 4ft painting finally!

I have been having some on going health problems and out of frustration this painting was born

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Not going to lie but I'm loving the new rwby ice queendom

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Rosaria regularly goes all the way to Wolvendom to hang out with Razor after finding out they’re family you can’t change my mind

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