Drawings in todays of hand surgery in a leprosy hospital in Nepal. https://t.co/1DprVBGqVl also see https://t.co/uiwms8LBW8

5 20

First, George Michael. Now,

This malignant, festering, leprosy-riddled pustule of a year can officially go fuck itself…

5 10

merry christmas !! im your secret sanatataa. SANTA. i hope you like it!!!

12 14

surprised bonus offered 4 fab ltd edition repros (1000) from now eat your dinner! 2 more to follow

0 0

Digital painting - Christ Heals Ten Men With Leprosy

1 2

Let me 'Florence Foster-Jenkins' you into the weekend...

4 24

 World Leprosy Day is annually observed around the world on the last Sunday of January.

0 0

From our collections, 'Photographs of Leprosy' ,by A F Anderson (1872)

9 3

Corvus Peace Meeting https://t.co/bpFTsCCxFd repros & inquire 4 original

4 8

LEPROSY can be cured. STIGMA is the enemy. SAVE THE DATE: 22May 8pmGMT: http://t.co/nxUPQ5gLqu Please retweet

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