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@laila_shirei Creo que la más adecuada para editarla sería @NormaEdManga porque además de tener a nuestro querido onmyouji Subaru Sumeragi en catálogo, también tienen otras series con presencia de Abe no seimei como 'Twin Star Exorcists: Onmyouji', 'Drifters' o 'Nura, el señor de los yokai'
In volume 9 Rokuro and Benio separate
In volume 19 Rokuro and Benio meet
In volume 29 Rokuro and Benio meet and separate in the same volume.
#souseinoonmyouji #twinstarexorcists #双星の陰陽師
We are finally going to see this fight.
#souseinoonmyouji #twinstarexorcists #双星の陰陽師
🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 #twinstarexorcists #双星 #石鏡悠斗生誕祭2021 #双星の陰陽師
Source: https://t.co/eShzrC9oEA
I won't even hate ppl for shitting on the Twin Star Exorcists Anime cause that shit is 0/10 & shouldn't exist. Only thing good to come out of it was openings 3 & 4
But I love seeing the community coming together to try and get a reboot, always gives me hope even if it's useless
Tatara| Sousei No Onmyouji
#Tatara #TatataSouseiNoOnmyouji #SOUSEINOONMYOUJI #TwinStarExorcists #ツインスターエクソシスト #創世の陰陽師 #SouseiNoOnmyoujiManga68 #SNO #TSE #manga #mangacolorin #Souseinoonmyouji68 #TwelveGuardians
👇👇👇👇👇 #artstation #あだしのべにお #twinstarexorcists
Source: https://t.co/YBodPH0vVm
Hoy 13 de Setiembre cumple años Shimon Ikaruga de Twin Star Exorcists.
After Gaja's confession.
Subaru "This may be the end, oh well. At least my love was reciprocated, unlike a certain spinster, hehe."
Yuzuru: "Why is Mitejima thinking something annoying about me? And why am I so sure of that?!"
#souseinoonmyouji #twinstarexorcists #双星の陰陽師