made some jeremy and anthony designs for my au spamtrap i always forget how much ive explained though so this is probably nonsense. oh well

12 35

I really need to make updated versions of my "Honkai Lore Explained" videos. They already became really outdated and it's not even 1 year since I made them. HoYo really dropped a lot of lore bombs recently, huh?

This will be my priority starting next year.

7 124

Hi there! The names Shade and I'm a fanartist for various content creators! I have a Ko-fi that I'll link below! Unfortunately I can't offer anything in return for donos, but they're extremely helpful towards my situation (explained in my pinned post) :]

1 2

just the littlest smallest reminder that I have P that you can see my silly little ocs explained in really long texts and a lot of exclusive sketches drawings only for that platform. and This month I am posting there daily! I've been since the start of the month.

2 15

Im fascinated by the things we are yet to understand as human beings
The greater powers
The unexplained laws of the universe

These are the roots of my creative journey ❤️

3 8

Prime Predaking returns in issue 6 of the RID 2015 comic, hiding out in a cave on Earth and in possession of Starscream's severed arm.

How and why he was here is not explained in the issue.

65 562

Also forgot to say, thank you for being very understanding during yesterday’s genshin Stream! I was scared to really put the rule of absolutely no spoilers, and when I said explained it, it made me more happy people were happy I said it and that people wanna see my reactions!

0 8

Oh yeah another fucking thing. I assumed there was some shark like creature going around with stand arrow teeth giving ppl stands but nope, never explained either 🙃

0 1

10- Most of the exes with a linear story are not my type and the ones i like don't have it fully explained so i need to pick the one i understand the most, that would be Hog

0 3

Ramone’s power seems more mystical with her Vibranium exoskeleton activating only after she wore her mother’s ring. Can still be explained as her body reacting to/manipulating Vibranium.

4 12

Constantly smelling
So many unexplained things.
Oh, wait. That is me.

30 241

‘With shortness of breath
you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful
It is to even exist’

Repost of my dec 14th sheith day art!

119 227

My current passion project explained without context

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Sasha uses her inhibitor (explained below)

4 25

That Jon Landau got back to Los Angeles the day the Alita ad appeared in the Los Angeles Times is best explained by Divine Providence. God looks after his angels and God wants an Alita sequel.

11 12

My son drew a Hannibal inspired picture for me.

He explained “they had a fight and then became friends again”
Me: why is Will in his undies?
E: Hannibal blasted a vent and it ripped all of Will’s clothes off.


11 112

Also, the seiyuu magic is incredible, the despair in Morita’s voice made want to hug Ichigo even more than while reading the manga…
Not to mention how much the new Nothing Can Be Explained version enchanted the post-credit scene, I’m dying to listen to the full one 🙏

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In a 2014 interview, Oda explained how his creation of the devil fruits as a story concept was inspired by the many wishes in everyday life to be able to do things that our current human bodies don't allow us to

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Oh I don't think I ever explained the AU I have with these two? Basically the Titan (Dynatós), being so big he could reach the stars, actually met them (Ilíos). In a typical fairy tale-esque way the two fall in love and eventually create the Collector. But that uh. didn't go well

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