Is cursed? It’s frozen many in their tracks for the duration w/some giving its origins to the date Eve bit the 🍎👀
Still, others embrace this day, ruled by Venus (known for love, beauty & grace) & as a portal to change in one’s life.

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When Mimi loses her lover and her village by the goopy hands of monsters, she ends up entering a dangerous faustian bargain

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Happy Mine is coming back from hiatus on June

When Mimi loses her lover and her village by the goopy hands of monsters, she ends up entering a dangerous faustian bargain

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Hi ! "The Ballad of the Witch Doctor" is my dark fantasy comic that follows a magic plague doctor and his Faustian quest to find the cure to a plague. You can read Act I on and on

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Bluebeard: a French folktale of prohibition: despite being warned not to, Bluebeard’s wife opens a secret chamber only to find it flooded with the blood of his former wives. The myth is reworked into a trope of Gothic literature, from Ann Radcliffe to Le Fanu.

37 163

Space is infinite, it is dark
Space is neutral, it is cold
Stars occupy minute areas of space
They are clustered a few billion here
And a few billion there
As if seeking consolation in numbers.

-Michael Moorcock The Black Corridor

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..a brooding fortress, with a very, dark past, set high on a hill in deepest Transylvania. There is a secret passage, connecting the first floor, to the third floor, the stairwell was super dark and, led to a hideaway for Vlad the Impaler..

10 24

oooh yes, that's so spicy! of course this being a half baked idea I'm not entirely sure where the Faustian bit of this bargain comes in and what, exactly, the catch is but god knows it's gonna be something that makes aymeric just go

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Got your  in order?

Our are now FREE TO WATCH via and some other Multi-network channels on .

Watch HEX here:

Watch THE DROVING here:

3 6

Any Old Fairy Tale, Arthur Wilde Parsons, 1919.

26 142

In 1940's Texas, a girl attended her school dance, altho she'd been warned by her pastor not to go. She danced with a handsome man dressed in black. He spun her so fast, a cloud of dust formed around them. The girl disappeared in the dust & was never seen again

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The Dance of Witches by Isaac Levitan

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There's a Scottish tale about a Lady of a House who kept a dark secret...
One morning a stable boy woke up (in the stable where they slept) to find his little brother sleeping beside him battered & bruised. He woke his brother & asked what had happened! ...

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In Cumbrian dialect, fellon-wood is deadly nightshade. As the name suggests, it's one of our most poisonous plants. Giving witches the power of flight, add it to a potion that includes bats blood and the fat of a child.

🎨 William Holbrook Beard

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takes place on the night of 30 April, Eve, when witches meet on the Brocken mountain in Germany, & hold revels with the devil. This year it coincides with the rising Img: Joseph Tomanek, c.1920

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So, I just recently learned that there’s a Disney equivalent to the Goosebumps series, but they’re centered around the Disney villains, with a kid either making a Faustian bargain with them or stealing an item which belongs to them, and it backfiring on them.

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🧜‍♀️Embark your kids in this aquatic journey of a rebellious mermaid princess who strikes a Faustian bargain in an attempt to become human and win a human prince's love.

1 May at in 🇫🇷 with 🇬🇧 subtitles

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‘Queen in heaven and hell’ ~ Hecate in the Aeneid. As a goddess of boundaries, she is a goddess of liminal spaces. 🖼 HEKATE, Maxmilián Pirner, 1901.
🖼 Hecate (Detail of Jupiter and Semele), Gustave Moreau, c.1894.

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The skrzak is a little flying imp in Polish and Wendish mythology. Since the earthquakes that have released the gods from the Void, many underground labyrinthine mazes have come to exist. One of the many inhabitants of these tunnels are the skrzaks.

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Norse Night goddess, Nott, rides about the Earth in Odhin’s chariot, drawn by a horse called Hrimfaxi [lit. Frost-mane]w/her son Dagr [Day], making day & night. In *Alvissmal* of the Poetic Edda, Nott is referred to as: The Hood; Lightless; & The Weaver of Dreams

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