I cant wait to play the new pokemon sword and shield and it's not just because the champion of Galar, Leon is my type and my husband already no never of course not dont be ridiculous >.>

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Artworks de Lionel, el campeón de Galar, y de Paul, su hermano pequeño y rival del jugador

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Just like a Rattata and Raticate, Zigzagoon and Patrat also acquires a new type in the new region of Galar, what do you think?

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Royal Guard Pokémon

Very popular Pokémon among the noble families of Galar, he protects the family and keep the house very clean.
Draws the enemy torwards him/her thanks to the alluring Back-Dance , ready to absorb the impact with the minimum damage.

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I was elated with the news yesterday and had to draw my new children. Galar, here we come!

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Y aquí está la última página de mi sketchbook! Por sugerencia de , los starters de Galar, junto con los entrenadores para así completarlo 💕

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Evie journeys to Galar, find out what happens...next year XD

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Gironins i gironines! Aquest dijous a les 7h faig una xerrada al Caixaforum de Girona.🎉Tinc 10 entrades per regalar, si en voleu una envieu-me un missatge per privat 😊

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Si todavía no sabéis que regalar, aquí os dejo unas cuantas ideas. Interesados mandad mensaje privado.

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