I’ve got the drawing bug today, it’s a sort of self portrait? A Candysona for My name roughly translates to “Pretty Halva” so here’s a Halva person.

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Dorothea has romance options with both men and women. She is openly bisexual and to say she's canonically a lesbian is bi erasure, and no amount of blocking people who tell you this will ever change how wrong you are.

Anyways, here's Halvan https://t.co/3wTd8OiXjQ

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Halvar wondering when will he get his official introduction in Haven Nymphea 🙄
Another brush test using foliage brushes by & alwaysdaydreams from dA and I loved them! 💚🌿 Tho I need to figure out how to properly use them, I feel like I could do better🙈

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What the FUCK is Belphie wearing ??? Side-snapping hoodie? Sleeve cutouts? Out of place zigzag belt? Oil stained Shalvar pants ?? Huge metal horseshoe just pinned to his chest ??? Bitch I'll kill you

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Today's FE World Character Spotlight: Halvan (Fire Emblem: Thracia 776)


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You're wrong as fuck, watch me ratio you with Halvan https://t.co/JFulhI5l98

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Game character model "Halvard" by our student, Michael Derian, Game Art Diploma - Modeling Specialization.

Concept Art by Naranbaatar Ganbold

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Despite being incredibly strong by human standards, Halvar has spent so much of his life being comfortably underestimated that hubris over his physical strength is ironically one of his more enduring character flaws

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alek wek in “designs for life” for iD magazine’s “the fresh and clean issue” no. 166, july 1997. shot by henrik halvarsson and styled by jo barker. (this is giving me very )

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gustaso once asked to touch halvah’s hair (fluffy ass shit right there I don’t blame him) but there would have to be a lot of trust there for that to happen. cue a bad day + wanting to trust someone to help, and you got confused trust tears

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Progress of the week, I have not been able to work much on it, the GTA has me hooked XD and the missions are not done alone.
Is your fault

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