(Re)Read Hickman’s X-Men: Apocalypse, Now – Excalibur Pt. 3 https://t.co/3djS3MOMKX

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That Hickman Avengers run is the most I’ve ever enjoyed mainstream Marvel books.

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(Re)Read Hickman’s X-Men: Otherworldly Machinations – Excalibur Pt. 2 https://t.co/fZCywZ0Y9p

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House of X / Powers of X, le renouveau des X-Men par Jonathan Hickman arrive demain en Deluxe

Et c'est toujours excellent, audacieux et stimulant 👉 https://t.co/thjz64gmva

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Hyperion et Thor dans le run d’hickman c’est vraiment trooooooop

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I’d like to draw attention briefly back to Hickman’s X-Men where Raven goes to Forge for help fighting Orchis. Just before she died, Irene prophesied that Raven & Forge’s futures were intimately intertwined. In the 90s they dated for a bit because of this.

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Inferno Vol 2 (2021)
Story Jonathan Hickman,
Art Valerio Schiti, Colors David Curiel

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Inferno kicks off a story that feels like perfect bookend to Hickman's start on X-Men with Hox/Pox Not to say it feels like end of this era, but just a good time for him to pass baton Plenty of callbacks to seeds he planted early Spoiler-free review -> https://t.co/odbKJCRapI

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The final book on the is the first issue of by and - time to sit back and watch it burn - exciting times ahead for the x-books ^KB

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Emma having the best entries during the Hickman era

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East of West

Part western, part sci-fi, a great story, with art that ticks the right boxes, Otomo, Nihei and Moebius. I'd be on board for any indie book Hickman and Dragotta do together, my fave of the past decade.

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Hickman loves the Gen X kids

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The more I research, the more I think Hickman’s Inferno will have much more thematic resonance with Dante’s Divine Comedy, than its Marvel namesake

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Saying goodbye to one of my favorites - hopefully there's a place in the post-Inferno/post-Hickman X-Landscape for a book like this!
X-Lapsed, Episode 248 - Way of X

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Seen a ton of people agreeing with Hickman that is his best issues and while that issue *is great*, I'd just like to present for your consideration, a.k.a. The X-Men Politics Hour a.k.a. we so fucking need more of just this in the x-line 😭

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The character of the day: Debito

From: Arcana Famiglia ~La storia della Arcana Famiglia~
Media Type: visual novel
Voiced By: Jay Hickman
Voiced By: Hiroyuki Yoshino, 吉野裕行, よしの ひろゆき
Birthday: September 20
Sign: Virgo ♍
Height: 180 cm


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Hickman’s favorite is


I’m glad he’s aware he wrote one of the single best issues of all time 😌❤️ https://t.co/QZpXDkehSq

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X-MEN UNLIMITED The final chapter of mine and Jonathan Hickman's arc is on today!

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"Strahd von Zarovich never sparkles." - Tracy Hickman

Strahd by Mike Lim

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Set your alarm clocks for 8 AM EST, Fans, and celebrate 125 weeks of tomorrow with , Jonathan Hickman and friends!

🥳 🍾 🥂

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