Sur la plage, 1927
🎨 Jindrich Janus (Allemand, 1867 - 1944)

11 36

Time for more entries, this time its 2 in 1, with the dinosauric(?) Kaiaimunu from Africa and the strange alien? cryptid? weirdo? Indrid Cold from USA.

3 8

Look at this awesome fan art of Lagi in his Windrider form! Thanks to for contributing this to us.

4 14

jade leech - cucumber spindrift

cucumber is so classic… whose first choice is cucumber? probably not you. but that’s what she wants. cucumber was not made for the spotlight. but there’s something sinister about spindrift squeezing the shit out of a cucumber to put it in a can.

1 5

cater diamond - raspberry lime spindrift

there’s an inherent depth and darkness in people who drink spindrift, especially raspberry lime because it is unbelievably sour. it charms you though and it makes you want to finish it almost out of spite. also it’s available at starbucks

4 8

Still behind on but catching up, here’s no.5 and 6. A painting by Greta Oren depicting Indrid Cold, as he appeared in her dreams. And the Euroa Beast, whose description seemed oddly familiar …

4 14

yall what do you call these things at windrise

0 1

Thanks for the thread !
Hello I'm Findrielle and I love drawing pop culture and cute things !
Follow me on instagram to see my work !

0 3

"Always remember! Sindrian-brand Antimatter Fuel is the best in the Persean Sector! So always Buy Sindrian! ... Or Else!" Thanks again to for another wonderful art piece to promote my silly meme mod for Starsector!

5 22

commission by the lovely of my three blorbos napping at windrise together ♥️ thank you so much again!

45 445

day 5 and 6 of indrid cold and the euroa beast! all caught up!

2 21

Day 4 of "Indrid Cold"

What a friendly face

8 49

Wszystkiego najlepszego,
Dziękuję, że jesteś tu dziś ze mną. Legenda głosi, że wiatr w Windrise może nam przewodzić i łagodzić nasze zmęczenie.

0 45