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@Killafoe1 In the Injustice comics, he somehow manages to hold Doomsday, it's just as weird as it sounds
I love bane but he ain't Superman Tier, no shot
I used to believe
all anger was wrong,
so I was the captain of the tone police—
until I discovered politeness is not rightness,
that anger is not always hate, but hurt,
and to be loving is to be fiercely angry at injustice.
artwork by https://t.co/NuwOHIiRYN
@Sergiocon5 A mí igual se me hace injusto, yo llegué en la temporada de Ruff por lo que no pude conseguir la del pase, ni la de darryl dumpling y lo peor, la skin de liga llegó en temporada de exámenes y pues no me dio tiempo para conseguirla 😞😭
"Our celestial family is on the way to Earth" yelled the priest. "There will be no hunger, no injustice, no violence, and no corruption! They've sent us Jeeee-sus! They've sent us JFKeeey! They've sent us Gaaalileo!"
"Too bad you killed all of them" boomed a voice from above.
INJUSTICE シリーズみたいにヒーロー同士が戦わざるを得ない展開が好物なので楽しかったです!
→せや!!Injustice:Year Zeroや!!ゲームやジョーカーを取っ掛かりにJSAの活躍が読めるで!!でかした俺!!!
quiero que sepan, fans seguidores aprendices y subditos mios de mi corazon, que el día de hoy estoy sufriendo una injusta INVASIÓN de hormigas en mis aposentos y me veo en la obligación de dormir, por hoy, en el basurero. Gracias por sus mensajes de apoyo
“A love that does not discriminate seems to me to forfeit a part of its own value by doing an injustice to its object.”
Sigmund Freud, Civi and Its Discos
#Superman☀️(Injustice) VS #Asura💢
(DC VS Asura’s Wrath)
Who wins, and why?
#whowouldwin #deathbattle #SHPOLL22
O injustiçado ‘Planeta do Tesouro’ está completando 20 ANOS de lançamento hoje!
They sent cyborgs into the past. They fed their databases with memories of injustices and tribulations experienced previously by the Rōnin.
There is only one purpose in their life, and that is to change the course of Japan's history through revenge.
#midjourneyV4 #Samurai #AIart
Dia 26 - Um mangá BL que você considera uma obra-prima.
Itou-san / I: Episode 0.
Usei nos outros anos e repito. Esse mangá me marcou tanto, a história me pegou tão de surpresa, que seria injusto não falar dele.
@WomenriseNFT Happy Birthday, fam! @Maliha_z_Art and team! So proud of you. 😍❤
My mum is my biggest inspiration. She was a working mum raising 5 kids and always speaking out against injustice and discrimination. Such a strong, but calm woman.
Black Comic Girl of the Day: Rose Porter-Constantine (DC Comics) alternate earth daughter of John Constantine; likely has his same magical capabilities (First Appearance: Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three 1) #injustice #Sandman #Constantine #DC #dccomics #blerd #blackgirl
If you witness injustice and don't do anything to stop it, I will look at you weird.
Quando sabe-se mais de futebol do que dos seus próprios direitos, quando grita-se mais alto por um gol do que pelas injustiças, quando exige-se mais de um jogador do que dos políticos.
Percebe- se que o povo submerso na mediocridade está condenado ao fracasso e a miséria.
Dia 21: Seu uke favorito
Jae-Rim Kim
Eu adoro personagens q se impõe contra alguma injustiça e deem tudo deles mesmo q a maioria não esteja nem aí ou menosprezem eles por isso
Além de que ele é muito divertido
We commemorate the Transgender Day of Remembrance today, Nov. 20, to honor the lives of transgender people who suffered violence and injustice. Let us continue to raise awareness and visibility for the LGBTQIA+ community to ensure an environment free from discrimination.
I'm not going to lie the Harley and Billy relationship was the weirdest part of Injustice https://t.co/bJfH2amFcQ