Newroz 2020 /20 march

Newroz Piroz be
Newroz pîroz bo!
kutlu olsun!
Gratulerer med årets Newroz.

çizgi: Bir siiri ile..

Newroz’un rengi ebruli
içim ısınamadı bütün evleri beyaz boyalı yerlere nedense ...

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My illustration for Thomas Hylland Eriksen's article in Samora Forum magazine: "THE CRISIS AS A MAGNIFYING GLASS "The word crisis comes from ancient Greek (κρισισ, crisis) and was originally used mostly as a medical term. A crisis.. more.

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Sarıl bana
Bu yaşıma geldim içimde bir çocuk hala
Sevgiler bekliyor sürekli senden.
İnsanın bir yanı nedense hep eksik
Ve o eksiği tamamlayayım derken,
Var olan aşınıyor azar azar zamanla.

– Metin Altıok / 14.03 1940 _02. 07.1993 Sivas
Iyi ki doğmuşsun Metin Altıok

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I congratulate the doctors and all personnel on 14 March International and

Doktorların ve tüm sağlık personelinin 14 mart bayramını kutluyorum.

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My cartoon for Utrop newspaper in Norway: life needs cultural growth, not cultural adaptation,

often choose who are similar to themselves or someone they feel "chemistry matches" with.
Cartoon by:

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Francis met in Erbil in Northern Iraq the father of Kurdi, the boy who drowned with his brother and mother off the Turkish coast in September 2015 while trying to reach :'(

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Pope Francis has called for an end to violence and extremism, on the first ever roman-catholic papa visit to Iraq.

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... Nous sommes de bons garçons, nous le sommes!
... .We are good boys, we are!

... Biz iyi adamlarız!

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My cartoon for Håkon Lutdal 's essay in the only multicultural newspaper in Norway, Utrop: t is important that Norwegian of all kinds take the situation into account, an entire language area is on the wane front, and requires effor:

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Yaşar abi'yi kaybedeli 6 yıl oldu. Kendisini özlüyorum...

Great died 28th February 2015 who was a Kurdish/Turkish writer and activist, a leading I still miss him. He was a sort of god father to my daughter. portrait by:

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We lost 2 year ago Gérard Vandenbroucke 😢We miss him.

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Today, 21. Februar, is International Mother Language Day. Greetings. This is one of the very rare incidents in history, where people had to sacrifice their lives for their mother tongue."

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in 2017, on the first days of his presidency trump was sending his team to Europe :D

nGeçmis zaman, 2017'de Trump iktidarının ilk günlerinde kendi ekibini Avrupa'ya göndermişti. :D

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Solidarity vs. Vanity
Dayanışma ile Kibir
art by

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Solidarity vs. Vanity
Dayanışma ile Kibir
art by

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