«invited by a new age, i am the elegant Sailor Neptune!»

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Michiru Kaioh <3
Yup, I'm trying to finish the outer scouts chibi set I promised!
Outfit from ep. 180

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L'edizione Global del videogame mobile iOS - Android "Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle" introduce lo Story Event ispirato alla battaglia del Passato tra i Kaiohshin e il maligno Majin Bu: https://t.co/Ji5Uk5USer

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🎉 Heute hat Sayaka Ohara (大原 さやか) Geburtstag. Happy birthday! 🎂 Sie hat Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaioh in auf Japanisch gesprochen. 🇯🇵✨

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『偽典 生贄夫人 嬲 ~美肛繚乱~ (KAIOHSHA COMICS)』(飛野 俊之 著) 読んだ。邪悪な組織が女性を調教することを条件に融資などを行う。団鬼六っぽい内容。主人公たちの懊悩がサディズムに転化するのは読み応えがある。 https://t.co/uHupkS26CA

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Kaioh michiru cheongsam illustration
This work is the Extra Patreon reward of August 2018.
▼ No water mark + Sketch HD JPG + Full HD JPG

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Outer senshi: Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus, Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune, Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn design
(S3/Death Busters arc)(S3 Character Design by Akira Takahashi/高橋晃)

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