Four great books to start important conversations on World Kindness Day!

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Just saw this.This seemed somehow fitting...

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Today is stands for love for all and we wish you all to spread as much kindness and respect to others today! Have a wonderful day and don't forget to SMILE!

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‘“What do you want to be when you grow up?” “Kind.” ‘ Happy to one and to all! We are so proud to be selling this of a especially perfect for today. Thank you for bringing this book into the world.

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I hope you take some time today to celebrate World Kindness Day 🌎💖

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Ways To be kind - Volunteer your time or pass on a Random Act of Kindness

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On remember that this is the reality behind the smile for most people

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This one here is for ! Apple pie bun! Hope you like it!
これはOrcaにあたえる! リンゴのパイの兎! 気に入って頂けたら嬉しいです~

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Shouldn't people learn to be this everyday instead of following a hashtag trend?

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Do one kind thing every day - you’ll feel better

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Imagine if Shoya didn't go back to see Shoko again...

Since it's take the time to tell someone you care, help someone, or simply smile at a stranger 😊 A small action can make a big difference!
What random act of kindness have you experienced recently?

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No act of kindness,
no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

~ Aesop

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Today is Why not send one of our beautiful cards to a dear friend just to say hello, how are you.

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