Congrats to Private Lexi and Koragi on their first collab! I think this is how it went?

4 18

Thought I might as well post this here as well now that Koragi has seen the collective birthday gift ^^
A Walfie-style Koragi enjoying a hamborgar (no cheese)

6 29

Gee Koragi, why'd you get to have two hats? Haha happy birthday and congrats on 1k followers on twitch! Woohoo!

4 14

Keep on singing and keep on smiling~

6 44


13 81

Just wanted to wish once again a (slightly late) Happy Birthday to this very stronk corgi 🎉

6 44

my friend drew me in a cute outfit! i look like a little cabbage patch kid! thank you so much! (permission was given by the artist to post this)

4 34

Last online art for an online art friend. pat pat.

3 31

has a really cute design~ I really like animal vtubers ☺️ need to watch more of these <3!

16 49

Koragun. Scary dog.
For some reason, I felt that Koragun should be very nasty, opposed to the very nice Koragi.

2 19

If I'm kemonodachi, then Koragi is kimono-dachi! Sorry I couldn't resist the pun...

2 20

Just a normal Koragi stream! Just kidding. She's actually a sweet lil' pupper! Please come check her out! She's adorable! Seriously I'm not being tortur- !

3 28

"Did you sacrifice the dog?"

2 22

Have you heard the good word?
Mr heard. Now he spreads 's word. Or something like that.

5 23

Koragi white knight cause she mentioned it

5 31