Doctor of candyfloss and lego. (But mostly hope) 💕😭

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Thank you, my dear friend for drawing this amazing and very angry Chestnut. Head-cannon is he stepped on a lego.

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I thought I had posted UBs artworks but no 😂
Leader of Nihilego’s group, known as a master in creating illusions. Yet,Elipse is kinda “crazy” as she’s the first Nihilego so many things goes wrong in her mind 😂.

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First pic of new year I guess 😂
Elipse is the leader of the Nihilego Group(?) and also the first Nihilego. She has amazing strength but usually acting like a child 😌. Member of Yuval(Primarina)’s Circus-specializes in marionette.

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L'et's play with Lego.

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O contacto co castelán incide nesta simplificación da riqueza e diversidade do galego. Un dos campos onde esta é máis evidente é o do léxico. Un bo exemplo son estes mapas do avance ate a case total substitución de "nó" pola castelanismo "nudo".

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When Oscar spills 2000 pieces of lego.... 😂

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Gallego & Rey (making-of):
1. Concepto y boceto de Rey.
2. Lápiz y entintado de Gallego. Edición, G&R.

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Pos les vengo a presumir la idea fugaz que me llego. Sip! Cupcake, de Fnaf. Sho la quiero ver en la serie! Alguien mas?

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Recomendación de Lit. Infantil en Galego.

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Life-size BB-8 the force awakens. 11,000 pieces of Awesome 😵.

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This is Sean. Sean is that one piece of flippin' Lego. Yeah you know the one... *ouch*

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Color Palette Challenge2
Remember that one time Karamatsu was murdered?
(That's how bad it feels to step on a lego.)

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I turned my pal into Lego because he likes Lego.

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Cada año se me pasa y este casi no llego.

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The minigroup artjam this week was LEGO. Most of us drew our own characters as LEGOs:

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