My two other favorites are @/QueenCabbage3's Meliel and @/Ruedefaux' Lolistomp ❤️❤️❤️

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More lolis (characters are from langrisser mobile)

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From this one I learned that it's better to figure out the pose and be content with it before going full on with the illustration.

And that I need to practice lolis more.

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Don't break the chain!
Wallpaper: Jotaro Kujo & Star Platinum from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Last Song: Misty Mountains Complete Edition by idk
7th last photo: 3 Fate lolis
7 moots:

3 5

Bueno XD aunque no me gusto cambiar de horario algo bueno saque de esto XD pdt pondre una regla para que las lolis no se pasen de ecchii xDDDDD no llamen al FBI

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I thank the 200+ followers who have been in these beautiful projects and let's keep going for more.
Thank you very much ❤️❤️🐾🐾

9 22

Este era una tarea del taller de dibujo, le habia metido unas lolis que habia hecho hace tiempo, y me gusto como quedo, quise probar algunas cosas en el digital

0 14

TIL FF14's Ancients were able to create lolis for themselves whenever they wanted to

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Neko Musume 6 is only taller, but in the rest isn't different, especially flat chest. Her personality is from tsundere archetype and there are many lolis like that.

Neko Musume 5 is more playful and flirty. Her part-time jobs are a separate issue but it creates a certain duality

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If we're hitting old dudes being lolis then i also recommend Cagliostro from granblue, she's also in the same boat with previously being a dude now in a loli's body~

1 3

"2022_magic" is when due to inflation, random (no)job stuff, being a lazy shiet, virus, internet lolis, chinarz, some silly lokedwnz; your GTAV real state properties+bank acc. hold More actual value than your IRL bank account; & that is the magic of technology&friendship folks!

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no les pasa que ✨ANYA FORGER✨ mi loli favorita y eso que yo tiendo a odiar a las lolis jsndmd

33 127

We’re two Lolis and we both can 𓁹‿𓁹 u

1 21

someone: brings up a statistic out of context to support lolishit

me, devilishly researching the potential factors for said statistics to prove that those statistics are misleading:

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I honestly hate when people label shortstacks as lolis

Lolis are cringe. Shortstacks are gold.

0 12

Bem isso aí mesmo, "lolis" deusas de 13 mil anos de idade mas que a cara e o corpo é assim (imagem 1) e se veste assim (imagem 2)
De nadinha ^-^

0 5

Eu não desenho "lolis" tá gente? Isso aqui é uma criança, UMA CRIANÇA, a segunda é uma pré adolescente, (ambas ocs que criei) por favor não vem com papo de loli e poses estranhas pq eu não vou fazer e nem vou "lolizar" nenhum personagem

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