20180818 應該是學著改圖,加上一些特效的時候,好像不是很喜歡而且很麻煩又沒辦法做到自己滿意,所以很少做這些。


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eughh mebbe we should go even smaller liek, half da size of this thingy.

( ._.) my instincts tel me this image belouw iss liek a week luong project and id like at most a 3day thing 2 build for u

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Okay! This is as far as I’m gonna go blind into converting grayscale to color. Anyway...

The ever beautiful Luong! Gotta love that climax super!

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Today is Jubei(Fatal Fury2), Ozwald(KOFXI) and Luong(KOFXIV)'s birthday.

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🐙Coming of Azathoth🎨by
Richard Luong🐙#Lovecraftian

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Luong, Muimui, Meitenkun, Alice, and Najd should be back. Also PLEASE bring back Jhun Hoon. He is one of my favorite KOF characters of all time. https://t.co/wizb2hgqle

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Last night I was admiring a colorized photo by NVA war photographer Luong Nghia Dung of an artillery duel in 1968. I am haunted by its striking similarities to Corot’s Barbizon school plain air painting.
Here is his obituary. KIA 1972.

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踼铁板了 , 差点翻倒我心中的那个哇模样 , 史上画最久 , 决定就画自己的 , 就画我心里那个漂亮的少年郎 😍

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YOG SOTHOTH THE GATE by Richard Luong https://t.co/rt3dbE2bQH

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| Chi con noi sogna mondi fantastici, li disegna♥️
Ambientazione e studio del mood per un progetto del Corso di Concept art (II anno) a cura dell’allieva Nadia Luongo.

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🦑In the twilight reaches of Inganok, the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep strode brooding into the onyx castle atop unknown Kadath in the cold waste & taunted insolently the mild gods of earth whom he had snatched abruptly from their scented revels🎨Richard Luong🦑#Lovecraft

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又改了衣服,主要是不想再一齿一齿的画拉链😂挑半天还是决定欧式贵族风 ,就爱把他画得华丽丽的❤️打死不想改的画风😂

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Acho que Zarina é popular o suficiente para aparecer novamente, mas não acho que ela fará time próprio.

Ainda assim, seria até que bem legal vê-la no time das garotas. Tipo, eu teria até a audácia de encomendar um time de Luong, Zarina E Alice como a formação de KOF XV.

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