[OoopsIforgottoactuallydrawthemaincharacter. Rean and my misguided attempt at colouring something = v =;;;]

18 22

My OC : Gill Aerion! (Maincharacter of my Mangastory "Angel Blood")

3 53

semi realistic of those dorks aka Target maincharacters I drew months agoノ(・ω・)ノ (help im drowning in homework)

1 15

Hello fans! Here r some halloween pics just for u.
Credits to the owner

5 4

Hello fans! Here r some halloween pics just for u.
Credits to the owner

5 4

Cog doesn't wear a fortress uniform cause MainCharacter Syndrome, so here he is wearing it in both nation's colours!

10 60

This is the BEST house and deserves the best cocktails ;) status

1 1