シネマティックメモワール - SHOW BY ROCK!! - ルフユ(Mashumairesh!!) - シネマティックメモワール - SHOW BY ROCK!! - Single

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ヒロメネス (TVアニメ『SHOW BY ROCK!! ましゅまいれっしゅ!!』OP) by Mashumairesh!! [ほわん(CV:遠野ひかる)、マシマヒメコ(CV:夏吉ゆうこ)、デルミン(CV:和多田美咲)、ルフユ(CV:山根綺)]

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"エールアンドレスポンス"/Mashumairesh!!(CV:遠野ひかる、夏吉ゆうこ、和多田美咲、山根 綺) from "TVアニメ「SHOW BY ROCK!!」BEST Selection!!"

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まっしろスタートライン - Mashumairesh!! (遠野ひかる, 夏吉ゆうこ, 和多田美咲, 山根綺) - ヒロメネス / キミのラプソディー

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「アクリルキーホルダー4個PK「SHOW BY ROCK!!」16/Mashumairesh!! 10周年ミニキャラ」
「アクリルアートボード(A5サイズ)「SHOW BY ROCK!!」10周年ミニキャラ集合デザイン」


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プラットホーム by Mashumairesh!!(CV:遠野ひかる、夏吉ゆうこ、和多田美咲、山根 綺)

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how am i gonna respect the main character essence if these are the contest rules??!! agh!
i mean, boobs are not the main focus of it, but it's one of the reconocable traits of maire.

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i'm trying to find a way to make maire more "WEBTOON allowed" but i really, really wanna keep her as she is. is part of her desing.
one other way will be finding cool angles where nothing can be see, like sailor moon.

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I feel you dear, my name is Maider and people call me anything but that. Included my grandma who call me Izaskun for years (my cousin who barely visits her).

Maite, maire, eder, etc etc etc. I know how frustrating is

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Maire REposts cuz why not!!

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🏊‍♂️J-15 avant la fin de Free! au Japon🏊‍♂️

En janvier 2015, une adaptation manga intitulée High Speed! voit le jour. En 2 tomes, elle se base sur le 1er tome du light novel de Kôji Ôji, soit lorsque les personnages sont à l'école primaire. Ce manga est dessiné par Shiori Teshirogi.

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Découvrez le sommaire complet de notre numéro d'avril, disponible dès mercredi : https://t.co/RZII67W3ir

Couverture :

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I have not opened this game in a while! So lettuce start over ✈️💫
1bitheart is an adventure game made by Miwashiba (Others too such as LiEat I-III/Alicemaire,etc) Check them out if you have the time!

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howans cute lil dress!!! makes me yell!!!!
all the mashumairesh girls wear it in these cards and like. it's perfection

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0️⃣1️⃣. Mon premier manga m'est tombé dessus quand j'étais en primaire, accro à un adorable dessin animé qui me faisait adopter "la grâce mew mew, le style mew mew" avec les copines dans la cour d'école. J'aime toujours autant ce manga qui m'a ouvert tellement de portes.

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SHOW BY ROCK!! Mashumairesh!!

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old memories of maire and coffee

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Os queremos recordar que mañana de 11 a 21 en el Centro Hípico de Mairena de Aljarafe (Centro Multiusos) celebraremos . Os esperamos .

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