When I wake up
On Easter Day,
I shall see my egg
She's promised to lay.
If I were Emperors,
If I were Kings,
It couldn't be fuller
Of wonderful things.

443 1908

The Little Black Hen said, "What will you pay,
If I lay you an egg
For Easter Day?

"I'll give you a Please
And a How-do-you-do,
I'll show you a Bear
Who lives in the Zoo,
I'll show you the nettle-place
On my leg,
If you'll lay me a great big
Eastery egg.

315 1365

It was going to be one of Rabbit’s busy days. He felt important, as if everything depended upon him. It was just the day for Organizing Something, or for Writing a Notice Signed Rabbit, or for Seeing What Everybody Else Thought About It. It was a Captainish day. ~A.A.Milne

344 1643

Halfway between Pooh's house and Piglet's house was a Thoughtful Spot where they met sometimes when they had decided to go and see each other, and as it was warm and out of the wind they would sit down there for a little and wonder what they would do.

583 2919

“What with all this snow and one thing and another, not to mention icicles and such-like, it isn’t Close, if you know what I mean - not so as to be uncomfortable. It isn’t Stuffy. In fact, quite-between-ourselves-and-don’t-tell-anybody, it’s Cold.” ~A.A.Milne

422 1853

‘My Name is Not Refugee’ by Kate Milner is a very important

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At first as they stumped along the path they didn't say much; but when they came to the stream, and had helped each other across the stepping stones, and were able to walk side by side again over the heather, they began to talk in a friendly way. ~A.A.Milne

450 2135

You remember how Pooh discovered the North Pole; well he was so proud of this that he went out to discover the East Pole by himself. Whether he discovered it or not, I forget; but he was so tired when he got home that he fell asleep, and slept and slept. ~A.A.Milne

344 1916

There are some people who begin the Zoo at the beginning, called WAYIN, and walk quickly past every cage until they get to the one called WAYOUT, but the nicest people go straight to the animal they love the most, and stay there. ~A.A.Milne

307 1658

Père David's Deer

Named Père David's Deer by Milne-Edwards, in 1866, after Père Armand David, the French missionary who discovered the deer in the Imperial Hunting Park in 1864.-

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sprigatito but as a classic panther tattoo (the example is by malanie milne tattoos)

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Brandi Milne (American, b. 1976)

Little Bitty Frightened One

Acrylic on panel https://t.co/nffk6LDx1r

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Alex Milne is one who I took heavy inspiration with how I draw Transformers. Giving a more modern style to the G1 Transformers.

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Suddenly Christopher Robin began to tell Pooh about some things: People called Kings and Queens and and a place called Europe. And by-and-by he came to an end of the things, and was silent, and he sat there looking out over the world, and wishing it wouldn’t stop. ~A.A.Milne

307 1545

"Lying in bed with the lights out, I had to remind myself that the dragon was only a bedtime story one, not a real one. I had to reassure myself that all was safe by staring at the little orange strip of light that ran along the bottom of the door." ~C.R.Milne

366 1840

“By the time they got to Kanga’s house they were so buffeted that they stayed for lunch.” - A.A. Milne

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