day 16,
She has eight legs and poisonous fangs! "Upon getting bitten by a black widow, you should seek medical attention immediately"!!

1 5

It's not May anymore, but I still wanna finish this out!
day 14,
It's a full moon

1 4

Here is the final beast for I saved the best for last: Godzillaaaa!!! With the out this week, who else is hyped???

1 3

Yuan-Ti Therapist

I sssssssee. And how doessss that make you feel?

19 60

day 13,
bat monster women are cute and no one can change my mind

1 2

Spirit Chef

Eternal rest? No time for that! There are people to feed!

20 44

day 10.
green gorl doesn't wanna deal with your shit anymore 🔪

2 2