boneworks? uhhh, yeah, i sure hope it does

9 49

Smoll gift for MadyKatt at FA >^< hope Misdrevoir cheers up soon!
*sends all the hugs*

3 14

Boneworks inspired comfort helmet for will eventually be 3D printed

45 270

Here are some other colors of the lineworks that I made for this piece without the stars. I had a hard time deciding but finally picked the first one in this thread!

0 4

Ich sag es nicht gerne aber ich muss für 2-3 Tage ne Stream Auszeit nehmen. Hab mir was eingefangen und ich bin total K.O gerade.
Mein Magen macht ein wenig Ramba Zamba. 😷

Sobald es mir wieder besser geht suchten wir bei Boneworks weiter! Ich möchte es endlich weiter spielen!😍

0 14

Crushing Aby has her heart going doki doki! It’s the season of loaf!
Patreon reward for ||wulfy|| at DA

2 15

Currently at home with big cat

We learned boneworks does not make the boyfriendwork.

4 103

ヘッドセット:Oculus Quest(LinkとVirtualDesktop)

0 2

A:銀色、遥か(tone work’s)

14 28


27 63


0 3

I've finally beaten Boneworks! It DEFINITELY gets way better the further you get. The first levels are the worst in the game by far which is a shame. Probably one of the most fun games I've played in VR and a feature length experience is really amazing! Wonky ass hell, but fun!

1 14

The camera in Boneworks feels like how the boob physics in Dead or Alive Xtreme look

0 17

TL;DR - My cyst got bigger, I still need to talk to doc, Probably need surgery, We caught this early, No stream Wed, I'LL PLAY BONEWORKS ON THUR. I'M SAD AND HYPE AT THE SAME TIME. LESSGO.

1 94

Just got through 3 levels of Boneworks in one day and now I feel like I am unable to move any objects in real life and everything I go to touch I knock over instantly due to an intense lack of depth perception irl

0 24