heppi birthday https://t.co/N3FtdSVlYD !!!
❤️🐣 LOL much love to my favorite miss fortune main & streamer nug 🥰

welcome to the old and washed 24 club LOL feat. the youthful days


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Commission for the lovely
And so the Dreadwolf fell in love with the Nug... (Im sorry)

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my friends and I have been playing lately and it's been a great time. thinking of you Nuggy_Nug, I hope you had a good game U_U <3

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akhirnya setelah artblock seharian saya memutuskan ngerjain tantangan om nug wkwkw..

dah lama gak gambar Blozzom..🥺

makasih Om Nug buat tantangannya saya jadi sedikit impruv/?

walo malem2 bgt ngerjain dan uploadnya (gak bkl ada yg notis wkwk)


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gift I did for of their character nug <3

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I keep staring at all the blight-shrooms praying someone at Bioware will realize that nugs can eat them, and finally give me what I crave

Tainted nug~ whoa tainted nug

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Well about El Clear cus nug asked for El Fail

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Pas setahun yg lalu aku gambar chibi bellatrix ini :3

Skrg mau gambar buat challenge harpotnya om nug 🙈

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i don't like sketching that much and hate to do lineart so i just go straight up to coloring 😬 awalnya pengen warna hangat kuning kemerahan tp rada bosen sm color palette sendiri, dan biar senada sama gambarnya bang nug jg kmrn hoho

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Hey I want some chicky nug for lunch but doordash fees are a thing

anyone want a $15 flat fullbody

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Ah yes. Me. My Warden girlfriend. And our giant pet nug <3

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ナグとイェブ(Nug & Yeb)

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ナグとイェブ(Nug & Yeb)なんとかここまでできました!もうちょっと胆汁出そう……

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i didnt get 2 adopt any of ivys eevees so i made my own weed eevee no bully, ,,,
the tail is a nug thats always cherried! ears are ganja shapes but they do grow neck nugs like little pearls that are safe to pick off and use!! the head is very hot watch out!!

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cal sart versus nug rounds art style fuck and suck slurping big snibbbooouuugughudrhurh frucf35r,m xgh38 3rfyofhwq83 vrvh dDon't you fucking dare come within a 10 ft radius of me or the police will be involved and open fire onto both of us.

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