OJtober day 25, Nico is out there doing her best to make up for what she did to Aru. Rein has to supervise to make sure she doesn't try to steal it all again...

5 21

finally i get a new pen for my tablet o(≧▽≦)o

29 76

The Santa Scramble outfit of Fernet Noble is very cute!

2 10


1 4

Poppoformation! So much rage in a small compact body...

4 27

Look at this Poppo, how cute it is! I wonder if she will steal and seal a certain dessert?

3 15

Hehe starbo a cutie ready for halloween

17 52

Syura from 100 Orange Juice
Free commission to friend

25 67

Favorite alternate outfit? Was kinda hard to choose, but Kiriko's Miko outfit (Both of them) are way too beautiful so here it is!

8 22

Tomomo RPG costume is one of the most beautiful costumes that she have in my opinion!

5 17

Day 22, favorite RPG outfit has to be Chris. The waitress heads out to battle! Be sure to tip her well, she's not paid enough for this...

5 19

Day 22 is Alicianrone ~ A bit rushed but what's new X'D

22 73

Day 21 of OJtober is for the kigurumis! I went with Mimyuu's seagull look, its very cute for the little gremlin that will kill you without hesitation.

4 12


5 30

Favorite summer outfit would have to be Yuki, tied up shirt is cute.

1 16

I have missed so many days, oopsie, but let's try get back on the wagon! Day 21 is Syura ~ <3

21 69