'Blue Sky Drinking' captures that carefree bank holiday feeling.

Original oil painting available on my website: https://t.co/Qs3dPkWDEL

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hi! Here's a pair of cute I'm wondering if the dark background suits this painting or should I choose other colors? What do you think?⁠
Take care💙💛 and have a nice week!⁠



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I love the rich, glossy texture of the oil paint in 'Water Lily Reflections', which shimmers as it catches the light.

Available to purchase: https://t.co/2kZgJDcSaa

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'White Caps' captures the powerful depth and rhythm of the waves with layers of translucent resin over glimmering aluminium.

Available to purchase - https://t.co/ZbvnkWvQf2

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