I can't stop thinking about how flat this man's head is.. he's a shelf.

1 11

nanami kento ==mr. spender from paranatural (no I have not looked at paranatural in like 4 years)

0 4

Ainda to na vibe de desenvolver o Dommy. Ontem eu tomei a decisão de dar a ele a cidadania paranaense. Dommy é um personagem gay e fã de automobilismo, e tem uma paixão incondicional por pão d’água 💚💙💚

0 1

Ignora, tava treinando uns paranauê aí

0 4

Okay, I made time for this one, because you can’t trust triangle shaped paranatural beings. And apologies on the awkward take on Gravity Falls style. It’s been a bit.(I now dearly want to draw Jesse having coffee or wine with Kirsten Geary from Secret World)

9 23

im just going to start off a paranatural reread thread with this

8 49

can't deal with richard spender, age 20, in this paranatural flashback. nerd baby.

0 3

recent paranatural pages have made me love mina zarei a lot more. love her desperate desire for answers in a world of adults that hide things from her

0 3

Meu nome é Fernando e eu curto desenhar uns paranauê bizarro

1 6

Day 17- nightmare for

"About how it works, I mean. You should definitely worry about getting your head bitten off."

14 31

paranatural spoilers /


2 2

older max but he looks just like his mama and also is nt pale/white bc why not

0 2

Now... I can post my PETAL CRASH FANART!🌸✨ I did a big ol' post on the Paranatural website about , too!! https://t.co/s9nmIvHZYW

124 396

Day 6- more paranatural because my wheel actually landed on 's list! today's prompt was trick-or-treat

10 27

some rare Paranatural arts for your timeline

209 756

MORNING DOODLE is that gymnasts are SO POWERFUL

this ended up reminding me of korra, who is ALSO SO POWERFUL

gnt imagine ser ginasta deve ser mt louco
n consigo nem desenhar ginasta direito mt menos ficar de cabeça pra baixo nos paranauê kkkkk

0 3

Paranatural spoiler


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