画質 高画質

今日の収穫はBlenderのAuto Rig Pro(約5千円)で表情が作成。Rigも作成。MixamoのFBXデータをリマップできた。あとBonePhysicsで髪ゆれを作成できた。価格だけの価値はあるよ!応用でスカート等の揺れもいずれは・・・。
あとSimply Cloth(訳1万円)は上手く使えないでござる(´;ω;)ブワッ

0 2

Babu! Sender iseng pengen build physical childe, kalau dari substat sm pasif mending up yg mana ya? TIA!

0 2


"atsumu's biggest blessing isn't his physical talents or mental abilities. it's that he got osamu (and his onigiri) with him"

27 164

A spirit monster who engages in sonic warfare by singing to attack with sound; it deteriorates an opponent's physical condition.

1 7

[Simulated Universe: World XX]
Full Book ver. COMING SOON!

[INDO] Buat orang indo, buku fisik bakal ada di comifuro/pesen online

[ENG] For overseas, gumroad release is set. Physical book ver idk yet...maybe if there's many demand? I doubt tho
More info will be added!

79 763

Following community's feedback about "what's ok when it comes to making art", from now on all my art will feature anthropomorphic monsters standing on two legs.

Say hi to Khana! She's a human who has a degree in Quantum Physics and loves to talk. She can transform into Velkhana.

46 445

A Pokemon whose horn develops slowly and prefers not to fight, but if pushed or agitated, it will prefer to use physical attacks like biting and clawing.

1 8

光 Hikari (Marker Pen)

Might start taking physical marker pen commissions in the future, please look forward to it!😋

38 271

Everything’s free if you can convince someone you physically do not understand the concept of goods and services

54 320



Will overseas friends want to buy this physical book?
Overseas sales plan in progress.

226 1281

Hi! I don't have an exact date but I will reopen comms
-Info in my Bio
-The duration of work max. 2 weeks now (I've been feeling mentally and physically fatigued 😞)
Sorry for the inconvenience

15 153


gak ketemu pacarku seperti tidak BERNAFAS..... i Am Dying...... tolong..... sesek nafas.... mual.... muntah..... i cant live a day without seeing him physically........ i cant do this...... SESAK....... gak bisa napas....... tolongin.... tolong... TOLONG.....

21 97

Building the Physique of a Rookie Fighter

203 2328

So I've heard Bladie has jiggle physics.... I wonder why🥀

735 4722


Patchouli has neither muscle nor physical strength
파츄리 씨는 근력도 체력도 없다

157 1006

Conrad’s hand was on his forehead, and it was so. Blissfully cool. Knives shivered. He had not once considered making physical contact with a human could feel good in a situation like this. Could feel...soothing.

74 249


『Rider Fusion…』
『Rider'S for Fighter
Physical Braver…』


228 1029

[oc fact] YoWan has a sister named Lani. Unlike him, who was born Artsless, Lani was born with a savant-level affinity for Arts which she uses to ruthlessly slaughter people.

YoWan was born with incredible physical strength and a curious gold eye color, hence his Hawkeye moniker

0 22

Velbronseele physical team

270 1829

just them talking and looking at memes while cuddling on the sofa
(i mean quality time and physical touch)

420 2248