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why is he at the pump we know this man can't drive WHY IS HE FEEDING THE VIEWER A SARDINE? WHY IS HE STARING AT THE BURGER LIKE IT'S POISONED?? he's showing off a chocolate-coated almond like it's a cool rock he found

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Kamelot Poetry for the Poisoned Released September 10, 2010
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Poetry for the Poisoned is the ninth studio album

5 32

🎡 "Watch out for poisoned apples" (AC)
🛀 Artist: ℝ𝕒𝕘𝕦 𝕄𝕚𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕠
🌃 https://t.co/cR0bGtuzbD

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They are an ancient god who had 4 wings but lost one when they tried to escape from humans when they were kidnapped by them. They use their "arrow" as a poisoned weapon to harm humans and taint their blood. People say that this is the real "cause" of love.

3 11

man who goes into radiation poisoned areas to drink any water he can find to "see what happens"

20 156

-poisoned her husband, a king, to become the sole ruler of their kingdom
-dabbled in necromancy to give herself magic powers
-tried to absorb the life-stone of a wyvern; failed and became Moringgha, part-necromancer, part-monster, full-time evil

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Shino was left poisoned to die after he volunteered to fight Kankuro so Sasuke can pursue Gaara

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After Three Mile Island, the left spent decades fear-mongering about nuclear power. A big factor in this was "The China Syndrome" (1979), which did to nuclear power what "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" did for mental institutions: that is, poisoned the public perception. https://t.co/19XdBKE08P

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It’s amazing how Vlads buddies get poisoned fall out windows , car explosions just amazing . Putin lies people die

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Thank you to poisonedapples5590 on Instagram for this delicious Pixel Choco Flan Cake artwork. 😋

Dang it, now I want cake.

2 3

“Just for reference, what did YOKOTA say?”
“Poor Snow White, abandoned by the Seven Dwarves, must be wondering if he should eat a poisoned apple in front of a hippo... Is he always like that?”

-Cage without keys


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. 『トマトと猫に毒されたAI』
(AI poisoned by tomatoes and cats)

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Boudicca (c.20s-60 or 61)
Was a queen of the Iceni tribe of Celtic Britons, who led an uprising against forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61 and managed to burn London down. According to Roman sources, after the uprising failed, she poisoned herself to avoid being captured

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I jope i get poisoned by an evil witch then wake up seeing yhis handsome man as i HDKSBEKDNKN dies*

1 30

cute pokemon that I would like to hug but will get poisoned by

136 1975

"ily my life, doesn't matter that you've poisoned me, and injected uranium in my ass"

tqm Albether

95 723

Good morning, fam💚☀️

«When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught - only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.»

That's what the Indians said, and I absolutely agree! We should all think about it.)#NFTs

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