Sinnoh Girls 9/9: Dawn
We did it! Every sinnoh girl has been illustrated.

Except the frontier folk idk I never got there lol

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Manaphy is so precious and so good I’m gonna cry! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

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Sinnoh Girl 8/9: Jupiter and a preview of dawn. I know I promised I'd post dawn today, but Jupiter got delayed a bit. Preview tho :)

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Managed to finish my Cynthia and Lusamine art before the end of November

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Finaly can draw again because my new Drawing Tablett arrived. My old brooke lucky in the guarantee. So know i got a new one and startet drawing again just a little on but my best buddy in his Name is Buddy and its a little muchlax.#pokemonart

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Cynthia and Caitlin getting ready to take a snooze in the villa 😴

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