Protests are erupting all across the globe... thousands have taken to the streets in Argentina. in Ecuador the president had to move the government out of the capital. in Haiti 30 protestors have died. Chile HK, Lebanon we know = A Global Seismic Shift

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By adding colour into water or pepper-based solution, blue-dyed shots fired from water cannons leave indelible blue-dyed marks on protestors, making them easier to trace and get arrested in the future.
*All credits go to creators*

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The water cannons, which aim to target protestors at a larger scale, are used to so called “end the violence and restore order”, as the police and the government declared.
*All credits go to creators*

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【Day 15 「岳」The Hero】
As the protest lasts, the protestors become more and more experienced, new bloods also join the part of the team, helping each other in the field.
The front lines portray a decisive role in the protest, not one less.

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US companies should just ignore the money and operate on the ethical guidelines that we don't have to support a regime that has concentration camps and beats up protestors

but capitalism amirite

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🇭🇰 10 Stages Of GENOCIDE | 種族滅絕的十個階段

Please don’t forget.

No one want the situation of getting worse.
What we are fighting for is just

May Queen save us. Queen save HK.

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A video shows that the police officer shot a live bullet in the protester's chest at point-blank range!


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1411 Angry crowd encircled police after police allegedly beat up a protestor. Police outnumbered. Deployed pepper spray.

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We don’t want to be “violent”
What we do is forced by the government and the way police treated protestors.
Please trust HK protestors. We have reasons for every action.

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This is how Hong Kong police treat Hong Kong Protestors after arrest 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬, please spread this police illegal action to the world , thx.

Comic by Cuson Lo

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The last time I made a pro Hong Kong drawing, I got spammed by wumaos (Chinese government paid propaganda posters). They all say the same thing, that it's a misunderstanding, that the people of Hong Kong actually love China, that the protestors are just thugs who want chaos.

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Pokemon company: the bird's a knight
Me, aware of the world: this fuckin duck is about to club a climate protestor

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915 Hong Kong Riot police rubbed a protester's face on the ground during the arrest! And Spray his face with tear gas water! Hong Kong protestors still suffering Bloody violence during arrest!
And we still need Americans pass the Human and Democracy Act in full version!

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Thanks for your support to Hong Kong protestors SIr. please pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 2019 in its full and unamended version.

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💚🌳💚 Illustrated protestor by

'Standing in solidarity with young people striking for urgent climate action 🌍☀️🌿💛
This is for rivers and mountains, deserts and oceans, and for the thousands of species.
So, listen to the kids!'

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Made a quick little creecher named Trash, based on a water-expanding dinosaur toy i was about to throw out. Protestor Trash by

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Esse desenho estava com a cor acinzentada e até as plaquinhas com os protestos não eram pretas. Saudade das moças que protestavam nuas contra tudo que se possa imaginar...

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Projeto das minas para apoiar! 💫

Em A PRINCESA PASSARINHO, quadrinho de , quando uma jovem rainha se vê impossibilitada de fazer suas próprias escolhas, a antes abnegada princesa encontra sua voz de rainha. E ela é uma voz de protesto.


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