
The color palettes I chose for this were kinda messy. I guess I like it

35 239

Some pvz ocs yo

(The one where i forgot the name is Kura and is Frega's sister)

0 6

Oh hey look, Drew got a redesign!
Some changes here and there. She wears cloak now.
Her new name is Gloomy Sunfall. But I still like calling her Drew
I'll upload her new ref sheet soon👀

33 180

Drawing humanized plant woman is fun as hell

0 9

Introducing Paper Bee
a football zombie with an interesting appearance and strength
she also loves sports, art, and bees, can you tell?

21 139

Sorry for not posting much
Still busy finishing the comic and I pretty much don’t have any time to do other arts
Got some time to do a sketch today though. Have this sneak peek WIP. It’s the only thing that I can offer for now.
Have a nice.

4 53

Lets goo
Ill try tagging people who are in this

(If i dont tag you, i either straight up forgot or your not in the artwork)

3 14

Ghost lady gibs u warm hugs (shes a ghost pepper in plant form)

2 7

So im planning a redesign for one of my pvz ocs (which is somewhere similiar to the Right artwork) and im just kinda seeing if this would work for her redesign

1 10

Made this a while ago, just thought i'd post it later

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Updated ref sheet for anybody wanting to draw a 34 year old plant parent with 2 children and has a alter ego

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Doodles of some of my ocs

They arent a canon ship, he gets friendzoned

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Doodles of ocs i havent drawn in a while, which wholesome spider boi and literally based off bf peashooter.

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