【ASCA インスタグラム更新中‼️】






101 497

My Resisters:

Hiya, my version of the Party involves some art which you can share with others.

Do ANY of the following and I'll follow back!

1. Like
2. Comment
3. Retweet
4. Follow
5. Retweet

Let's get this party started!

Dems rock the House!! 🎊🎉🎊🎉

7 42

解禁から一夜明けましたが、待ちわびたこの日に未だ胸の高鳴りが止みそうにありません... 改めて「SAOアリシゼーション」新OPテーマに私を選んで下さった事、本当に光栄に思います。今持てるもの全てを歌に込めた新曲「RESISTER」、皆さんどうぞ楽しみにしていて下さい! ASCA

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「ソードアートオンライン アリシゼーション」新オープニングテーマにASCAが決定‼️




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Quand tu ne parviens pas à resister à la de et et que ton coeur et ta raison se livrent un combat des plus cruel 😅😅😅

1 3

Aimeriez-vous savoir un peu plus ? Impossible resister, je vous assure ! Cliquez ici : https://t.co/VhpddzI62b

0 6

What's up Such a cool project and I couldn't resister a chance to make myself a purple tiefling :')

10 84

HAPPY NEW YEAR to my Twitter friends & fellow ! 🎇
May 2018 be the year that all your wishes come true! Wishing you a great year with health, wealth, happiness and a future without wars & guns.
🍾 2⃣0⃣1⃣8⃣ 🎉

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Resisters believe that stupidity gives them wings.

7 13

HBD Henry! Essayist, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister: TY for your moral strength, vision, wisdom & writings (1/2)

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Non si può resistere a lungo e cercare un appiglio è umano, non è una vergogna

25 32

Tu sola potrai resistere
nel rogo del Carnevale.
Tu sola che senza maschere
nascondi l’arte d’esistere.

5 10