To fall in love with the soul without touching the body is a talent.

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People don't fall in love every day. Sometimes it happens only once in a lifetime.

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When I looked at her. I felt an irresistible desire to take her in my arms, hold her to me and strangle her. There was something insidious, elusive about her, in her gaze, which aroused a feeling of hatred. And maybe that's why I loved her so madly

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- Isn't the weather wonderful? - Everything is wonderful when you're around.

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Dear , I made art with very courageous and brave characters that you played. Thank you for the inspiration . You always inspire me to create new and interesting art. Take care of yourself.

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You can hold my hand temporarily, but my heart is forever.

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"I don't understand why you have such power over my nonexistent heart?" (Quote by Colin McCullough from the book "Singing in the Thorn")

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"Just to know that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me,in my hell,a corner of paradise."

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Do you want me. You feel like you're attracted to me. You think about me even when you don't want to think about me. I bet you even dreamed about me. And right now you want to kiss me.

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A thousand times I wanted to squeeze his hand, and a thousand times I restrained my impulse. I was in a state of confusion—I wanted to say that I love him, but I didn't know how to begin..

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Next to him, she finally found herself. I managed to fall in love with episodes where there are not only us together, but also us separately. And we didn't need miracles to do that. All miracles are in ordinary days...

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You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams

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Good morning to my beloved friend Catia! Happy Saturday! I wish you a wonderful, sunny, warm,happy, gentle, fabulous, magical, passionate, delightful and spectacular day filled with joy, love and happiness!

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"The most dangerous demons live in our hearts."
Thank you , ,for the masterpiece performance of the role of Ray , for the fact that only you can play so beautifully that the audience necessarily empathizes with your character.

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