Rápido ha estado en la adaptación al ataque a la de de la metáfora del oso y la colmena que complementó con un panda y el con Winnie

El destino de también se juega en

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The people of Russia! Save Ukraine, save the world! Rise up and overthrow this potato headed murderer. Putin

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Il y a quelques jours, ce dessin. Aujourd'hui les russes bombardent une centrale nucléaire en Ukraine.

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Сижу в подземной парковке. Сегодня нарисовала карандашом в блокноте, выборочно покрасила на телефоне... Из-за войны России с Украиной погибло несколько десятков украинских детей.

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Sketch from eyewitness photo. Today, deliberately attacked in killing at least 28 people. has verified this blatant

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Sketch from eyewitness photo. Today, deliberately attacked in killing at least 28 people. has verified this blatant

5 6

Sketch from eyewitness photo. Today, deliberately attacked in killing at least 28 people. has verified this blatant

4 4

Sketch from eyewitness photo. Today, deliberately attacked in killing at least 26 people. has verified this blatant

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Having speeches from great experts and my humble introduction we will try to present the Polish perspective on

Our friends from OSU will host as on Wednesday, March 9 at 11:00 AM (EST)


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